Tuesday 2 March 2021


I once thought  
I would love you for ever.
So intense was the beauty of my love for you
That the wrinkles fanning your eyes
Were tributaries of the Ganges or the Kaveri,
plunging into the delta of your gaze.
And I an eagle soaring
Over the  landscape of your face. 
Now, the flood of our love
Is a dying stream,
Stifling the little fish
That darted like quicksilver, 
Warmed by the sunlight of our passion.

Today your wrinkles are just that,
And the flax flesh of my belly
Which once shone  with the patina
of your desire,  just that.

Today we look into each other’s eyes
But our gaze is turned inwards,
To the murky depths
Of our unspoken thoughts.